Polymorphisms within autophagy-related genes as susceptibility biomarkers for pancreatic cancer: a meta-analysis of four large European cohorts and functional characterization


Gálvez-Montosa Fernando1,Peduzzi Giulia2,Sanchez-Maldonado José Manuel3,Horst Rob Ter4,Cabrera-Serrano Antonio José5,Gentiluomo Manuel2,Macauda Angelica6,Luque Natalia1,Ünal Pelin6,García-Verdejo Francisco José1,Li Yang4,López-Lopez José Antonio1,Stein Angelika6,Bueno-de-Mesquita Bas7,Arcidiacono Paolo Giorgio8,Zanette Dalila Lucíola9,Kahlert Christoph10,Perri Francesco11,Soucek Pavel12,Talar-Wojnarowska Renata13,Theodoropoulos George14,Izbicki Jakob R.15,Hussein Tamás16,Laarhoven Hanneke Van17,Nappo Gennaro18,Petrone Maria Chiara8,Lovecek Martin19,Vermeulen Roel C.H.20,Adamonis Kestutis21,Holleczek Bernd22,Sumskiene Jolanta21,Mohelnikova-Duchonova Beatrice23,Lawlor Rita T.24,Pezzilli Raffaele25,Aoki Mateus Nóbrega9,Pasquali Claudio26,Petrenkiene Vitalija21,Basso Daniela27,Bunduc Stefania28,Comandatore Annalisa29,Brenner Hermann30,Ermini Stefano2,Vanella Giuseppe31,Goetz Mara R.15,Archibugi Livia31,Lucchesi Maurizio32,Uzunoglu Faik G.15,Busch Olivier17,Milanetto Anna Caterina26,Puzzono Marta31,Kupcinskas Juozas21,Morelli Luca29,Sperti Cosimo26,Carrara Silvia18,Capurso Gabriele31,Eijck Casper H J Van33,Oliverius Martin34,Roth Susanne10,Tavano Francesca11,Kaaks Rudolf6,Szentesi Andrea35,Vodickova Ludmila36,Luchini Claudio24,Schöttker Ben6,Landi Stefano2,Dohan Orsolya16,Tacelli Matteo8,Greenhalf William37,Gazouli Maria38,Neoptolemos John P10,Cavestro Giulia Martina31,Boggi Ugo39,Latiano Anna11,Hegyi Péter16,Ginocchi Laura32,Netea Mihai G.40,Sanchez-Rovira Pedro1,Canzian Federico6,Campa Daniele2,Sainz Juan3


1. Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén

2. University of Pisa

3. University of Granada

4. Radboud University Medical Center

5. Pfizer / University of Granada / Andalusian Regional Government, PTS

6. German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

7. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)

8. San Raffaele Scientific Institute

9. Carlos Chagas Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz)

10. University of Heidelberg

11. Fondazione IRCCS “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” Hospital

12. Charles University

13. Medical University of Lodz

14. University of Athens, Hippocration General Hospital

15. University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

16. Semmelweis University

17. Amsterdam UMC location University of Amsterdam

18. IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital

19. University Hospital Olomouc

20. University of Utrecht

21. Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

22. Saarland Cancer Registry

23. National Institute of Public Health

24. ARC-Net centre for applied research on cancer University of Verona

25. Potenza County Medical Association

26. DISCOG-University of Padova

27. DIMED-University of Padova

28. Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy

29. University of Pisa, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

30. German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

31. San Raffaele Scientific Institute IRCCS

32. Oncologia Massa Carrara, Azienda USL Toscana Nord Ovest,

33. Erasmus MC University Medical Center

34. University Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady, Charles University

35. University of Pécs

36. Czech Academy of Sciences

37. University of Liverpool

38. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

39. Pisa University Hospital

40. joint ventures between the Helmholtz- Centre for Infection Research (HZI) and the Hannover Medical School (MHH)


Abstract Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most lethal cancers. The vast majority of patients have unresectable or metastatic disease at diagnosis, with poor prognosis and very short survival. Considering this fact, it is urgent to understand the genetic basis of susceptibility to PDAC and to develop more individualized prevention strategies. For that purpose, we comprehensively investigated whether 55,583 genetic variants within 234 autophagy-related genes could influence the risk of developing PDAC in three large and independent cohorts of European ancestry including 13,215 PDAC cases and 270,274 controls. The meta-analysis of these populations identified, for the first time, the association of the BIDrs9604789 variant with an increased risk of developing the disease (ORMeta=1.28, 95%CI 1.13–1.46, p = 1.47 ×10− 4) and validated the association of previously reported susceptibility variants for PDAC (TP63rs1515496, OR = 0.88, p = 8.43×10− 9; TP53rs35850753, OR = 0.77, p = 2.50×10− 4). At functional level, we found that carriers of the TP63rs1515496G allele had increased numbers of FOXP3 + Helios + T regulatory cells and CD45RA + T regulatory cells (p = 7.67×10− 4 and p = 1.56×10− 3, respectively), but also decreased levels of CD4 + T regulatory cells (p = 7.86×10− 4). Although none of these results remain significant using a multiple testing corrected threshold (pBonferroni=2.11×10− 5), they are in agreement with research suggesting that the TP63rs1515496 variant alters binding sites for FOXA1 and CTCF, transcription factors involved in the modulation of regulatory T cells. In conclusion, this study validated the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the TP53 and TP63 loci with PDAC risk and suggested, for the first time, that the BIDrs9604789 SNP is a new susceptibility marker for PDAC. Functional experiments suggested that the TP63 locus might influence the risk of PDAC by modulating the number of specific T regulatory subsets.


Research Square Platform LLC

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