Changes in Hospital Admissions for Facial Fractures During and After Covid 19 Pandemic: National Multicentric Epidemiological Analysis on 2,938 Patients.


Petrocelli Marzia1,Ruggiero Federica1,Allegri Davide2,Cutrupi Sebastiano3,Baietti Anna Maria1,Salzano Giovanni4,Maglitto Fabio5,Manfuso Alfonso5,Copelli Chiara5,Barca Ida6,Cristofaro Maria Giulia6,Galvano Francesca7,Loche Valentina Poddi8,Gemini Paolo8,Tewfik Karim9,Burlini Dante9,Bernardi Marco10,Bianchi Francesca Antonella10,Catanzaro Susanna11,Ascani Giuliano11,Consorti Giuseppe12,Balercia Paolo12,Braconi Andrea13,Scozzaro Calogero13,Catalfamo Luciano14,De Rinaldis Danilo14,De Ponte Francesco Saverio14,Tarabbia Filippo15,Biglioli Federico15,Giovacchini Francesco16,Tullio Antonio16,Cama Antonia17,Emidio Paolo Di17,Ferrari Silvano18,Perlangeli Giuseppe18,Rossi Maria Beatrice19,Biglio Andrea15,De Riu Giacomo20,Califano Luigi4,Vaira Luigi Angelo20


1. Oral and Maxillo-Facial Unit AUSL Bologna Bellaria-Maggiore Hospital

2. Department of Clinical Governance and Quality,

3. Dentistry Unit AUSL Bologna Bellaria-Maggiore Hospital

4. University Hospital of Naples “Federico II”

5. University of Bari "Aldo Moro"

6. “Magna Graecia” University

7. Sapienza University of Rome

8. ARNAS Brotzu

9. Children’s Hospital of Brescia – ASST Spedali Civili

10. Maxillo-facial Surgery Unit, ASO Santa Croce e Carle, Cuneo , Italy.

11. Spirito Santo Hospital

12. Marche University Hospital

13. Maxillo-Facial Surgery Unit, "A.R.N.A.S Civico Di Cristina Benfratelli" Hospital, Palermo, Italy

14. Department of Biomedical and Dental Sciences and Morphofunctional Imaging, University of Messina, UOC Maxillofacial Surgery

15. San Paolo Hospital of Milan

16. Perugia Hospital

17. ASL Teramo – G. Mazzini Hospital

18. University Hospital of Parma

19. University of Turin

20. University of Sassari


Abstract Purpose: the purpose of this study was to retrospectively analyze the clinical records of patients admitted for maxillo-facial fracture to 18 Italian center, evaluating the epidemiological differences between the different phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Methods: This is a retrospective study on patients who underwent surgery for facial bone fractures in 18 maxillo-facial surgery deparments in Italy, from February 23, 2020 to February 23, 2022. According to the date of admission, all the data were stratified in four chronological periods encompassing the four different moments in terms of restriction in Italy: pre-pandemic, first wave, partial restrictions and post-pandemic groups. Differences in epidemiological data between the groups were analysed. Results: 2,938 patients were included. There was a statistically significant difference in the cause of hospitalization between pre-pandemic and first wave groups (p=0.005) and between pre-pandemic and partial restriction groups (p=0.002). The differences between the pre- and post-pandemic groups where instead not significant (p=0.106). Compared to the pre-pandemic period, the number of Black patients was significantly higher during the first wave and the post-pandemic period. Differences between the periods in terms of gender, age, type of fracture, treatment modality, and length of hospital stay were not found to be statistically significant. Conclusions: during the COVID-19 pandemic there have been profound changes in the epidemiology of fractures influenced by the restrictive measures implemented by the government. At the end of the pandemic, the epidemiology of fractures returned to being the same as in the pre-pandemic period.Purpose: the purpose of this study was to retrospectively analyze the clinical records of patients admitted for maxillo-facial fracture to 18 Italian center, evaluating the epidemiological differences between the different phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Methods: This is a retrospective study on patients who underwent surgery for facial bone fractures in 18 maxillo-facial surgery deparments in Italy, from February 23, 2020 to February 23, 2022. According to the date of admission, all the data were stratified in four chronological periods encompassing the four different moments in terms of restriction in Italy: pre-pandemic, first wave, partial restrictions and post-pandemic groups. Differences in epidemiological data between the groups were analysed. Results: 2,938 patients were included. There was a statistically significant difference in the cause of hospitalization between pre-pandemic and first wave groups (p=0.005) and between pre-pandemic and partial restriction groups (p=0.002). The differences between the pre- and post-pandemic groups where instead not significant (p=0.106). Compared to the pre-pandemic period, the number of Black patients was significantly higher during the first wave and the post-pandemic period. Differences between the periods in terms of gender, age, type of fracture, treatment modality, and length of hospital stay were not found to be statistically significant. Conclusions: during the COVID-19 pandemic there have been profound changes in the epidemiology of fractures influenced by the restrictive measures implemented by the government. At the end of the pandemic, the epidemiology of fractures returned to being the same as in the pre-pandemic period.


Research Square Platform LLC

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