Co-benefits not trade-offs associated with heat tolerance in a reef building coral


Lachs Liam1,Humanes Adriana1,Pygas Daniel2,Bythell John1,Mumby Peter3ORCID,Ferrari Renata4ORCID,Figueira William5ORCID,Beauchamp Elizabeth1,East Holly6ORCID,Edwards Alasdair1,Golbuu Yimnang7,Martinez Helios1,Sommer Brigitte8ORCID,Steeg Eveline van der1,Guest James1


1. Newcastle University

2. Australian Institute of Marine Sciences

3. University of Queensland

4. Australian Institute of Marine Science

5. University of Technology, Sydney

6. Northumbria University

7. Palau International Coral Reef Center

8. University of Technology Sydney


Abstract As marine species adapt to climate change, their heat tolerance will likely be under strong selection. Yet trade-offs between heat tolerance and other life history traits could compromise natural adaptation or restorative assisted evolution. This is particularly important for ecosystem engineers, such as reef-building corals, which support biodiversity yet are vulnerable to heatwave-induced mass bleaching and mortality. Here, we exposed 70 colonies of the reef-building coral Acropora digitifera to a long-term marine heatwave emulation experiment. We tested for trade-offs between heat tolerance and three traits – colony growth (3D photogrammetry models), fecundity (oocyte counts), and symbiont community composition (ITS2 sequencing). Despite observing remarkable within-population variability in heat tolerance, all coral colonies were dominated by Cladocopium C40 symbionts. We found no evidence for trade-offs between heat tolerance and fecundity or growth. Contrary to expectations, positive associations emerged with growth, such that faster-growing colonies tended to bleach and die at higher levels of heat stress. Collectively, our results suggest that these corals exist on an energetic continuum where some individuals have co-benefits across multiple traits. Within populations, trade-offs between heat tolerance and either growth or fecundity may not be major barriers to natural adaptation or the success of restorative assisted evolution interventions.


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