Evaluating a low-cost method for identifying areas with failing septic systems in low-order watersheds


Butzler Emma1,Klos P. Zion1


1. Marist College


Abstract There are significant gaps in the ability to rapidly and affordably assess and identify areas of failing septic systems at fine spatial resolutions (< 1 km). This study evaluates a low-cost integrated method for identifying possible failing septic systems by: 1) using spatial metaanalysis to investigate the relationship between land cover, soil, and tax parcel data with the addition of in-situ high-resolution (50 m) nitrate data to identify localized hot spots of nutrient pollution that overlap with likely septic system locations; 2) prioritize the application of tests for Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB) only at these predetermined localized hot spots; 3) validate this integrated method against high-accuracy traditional water grab sampling methods of N and P concentration collected alongside the in-situ electronic measurement of relative nitrate change. Within a case example of the Fall Kill watershed, a suburban-rural watershed in New York, of the 17 observed in-stream spikes in relative nitrate concentration, nine of those spikes had strong evidence of possible septic influence based on FIB data, suggesting suboptimal septic systems pose a sizable threat to water quality. This low-cost and rapid approach to identifying likely locations of failing septic systems can help watershed groups elsewhere target education and mitigation strategies more efficiently.


Research Square Platform LLC

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