The Magnetic Microbolometer: a proposal for QUBIC Next Gen


Hampel Matías1,Almela Alejandro1,Bonaparte Juan2,Neira Jesús Bonilla1,Ferreyro Luciano1,Fuster Alan1,Redondo Manuel García1,Gartmann Robert3,Geria Juan1,Müller Nahuel1,Muscheid Timo3,Salum Juan1,Platino Manuel1,Ardila Luis3,Sander Oliver3,Wegner Mathias4,Kempf Sebastian4,Weber Marc3,Etchegoyen Alberto1


1. Instituto de Tecnologías en Detección y Astropartículas

2. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica

3. Institute of Data Processing and Electronics

4. Institute of Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems


Abstract In this paper, the proposal for a new multichroic pixel camera for the QUBIC instrument is presented, which aims to measure the B-mode polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background. The camera features antenna-coupled magnetic microbolometers (MMB) read out by a microwave SQUID multiplexer and software-defined radio-based room temperature electronics, which are specifically optimized for MMB readout. The architecture of the detectors and their readout system is introduced, and the main design considerations are also discussed.The initial results of the simulation study suggest that MMBs are capable of achieving background limited detection of the sky when used in an instrument like QUBIC. Additionally, the time response of these detectors appears to be sufficiently fast for the given telescope scan speed and beam size.


Research Square Platform LLC

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