Background Trichomoniasis infected with Trichomonas vaginalis (T. vaginalis), can cause mild symptoms like itching and burning but can also lead to more serious adverse outcomes. While typically treated with metronidazole, this medication can face resistance from T. vaginalis and some individuals may experience side effects. Hence, the research on effective therapeutic methods is essential to improve traditional therapy for trichomoniasis.Method To investigate the potential of alloferon as a therapeutic agent for parasitic infection, we measured the activity of hydrogenosomes in T. vaginalis using flow cytometric analysis and observed the morphology of hydrogenosomes through a transmission electron microscopy. In addition, the cell cycle of T. vaginalis was assessed using cell cycle analysis. To the synergetic effect of alloferon and metronidazole, the movement of T. vaginalis was observed through a microscopy and video recording.Result T. vaginalis treated with alloferon reduced the activity of its energy-producing organelles, hydrogenosomes and changed structure of hydrogenosome. In addition, alloferon induced cell cycle arrest in the S phase of T. vaginalis, thereby leading to decreased proliferation. While metronidazole alone at its minimum lethal concentration was ineffective, combining it with alloferon, significantly suppressed motility and proliferation in T. vaginalis.Conclusion Alloferon induces decreased growth and movement of T. vaginalis by altering the morphology and size of hydrogenosomes. Our findings suggest that alloferon could be a synergistic agent in combination therapy with metronidazole for trichomoniasis.