Synthesis, Structural Characterization, XRD Analysis, Hirshfeld Surface Analysis, and Biological Studies of New Fe(II) and Cu(II) complexes of 2-acetyl pyridine derivative sulfonyl hydrazone Schiff Base


Çınarlı Murat1,Ataol Çiğdem Yüksektepe2,Öğütçü Hatice1,Açık Leyla3,Bati Humeyra4


1. Ahi Evran University

2. Cankiri Karatekin University

3. Gazi University

4. Ondokuz Mayis University


Abstract It is known that sulfonyl hydrazones and their metal complexes may have potential biological activity. We have prepared new Fe(II) (1) and Cu(II) (2) complexes of 2-acetyl pyridine derivative sulfonyl hydrazone (LH). The new metal complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectra, UV spectra, and magnetic moment measurements. The molecular structure of (2) was elucidated by X-ray diffraction analysis and the crystal package in three-dimensional space was obtained. To support the intermolecular interactions obtained from X-ray diffraction results, Hirshfeld surface analysis and two-dimensional fingerprint maps of (2) were generated. It was determined that H...H (47.4%), H...C/C...H (25.8%), H...O/O...H (17.4%), and H...N/N...H (8%) interactions will play an effective role in the crystal packing of the molecule. From elemental analysis data, the stoichiometries of (1) and (2) were found to be 1:2 (metal/ligand). All data indicated that the ligand coordinated with metal atoms through pyridine nitrogen, imine nitrogen, and sulfonyl oxygen. The well-diffusion approach was also used to test the ligand and the complexes for their antibacterial properties against harmful microbes. The substances were tested for DNA cleavage using the agarose gel electrophoresis technique. The complex (1) was found to be effective on the plasmid DNA of pBR322.


Research Square Platform LLC

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