Natural Air Filtration: Potted Plants for Management of Sick Building Syndrome


Marak Cherike K1,Das Pori1,KALITA GITARTHA1ORCID


1. Assam Don Bosco University


Abstract Air pollution is a pressing issue that warrants attention. It is crucial to comprehend the impact of air pollution on human health. With the rapid growth of industry and urbanization, the air we breathe has become hazardous to our well-being. Moreover, because people spend most of their time indoors, the risk of exposure to toxic pollutants indoors is higher. Inorganic gases and biological factors also contribute to indoor pollution, and these contaminants can cause Sick Building Syndrome, which can result in symptoms that vanish once individuals leave the building. Sick Building Syndrome has a significant impact on the health and productivity of occupants. In this study, NASA-proven natural air-purifying plant species, such as Sansevieria Laurentii, were used to combat Sick Building Syndrome. The pollutants used for the study were Adhesive, Paint, Kerosene, Egg crate, Ciggarete, Varnish, Wood Shaving and Coconut Husk. It is best to use locally available plants that have a high potential for air purification. The study aimed to determine the most effective phytoremediation methods using Sansevieria Laurentii to purify indoor pollutants, and the results demonstrated a substantial reduction in indoor air pollution on increasing the number of potted plants.


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