A new primordial noble gas component in the solar system discovered in Ryugu asteroid


Verchovsky Alexander1,Abernethy Feargus1,Anand Mahesh1ORCID,Franchi Ian1ORCID,Grady Monica1ORCID,Greenwood Richard1ORCID,Barber Simeon1,Suttle Martin1ORCID,Ito Motoo2ORCID,Tomioka Naotaka2ORCID,Uesugi Masayuki3ORCID,Yamaguchi Akira4ORCID,Kimura Makoto4ORCID,Imae Naoya4,Shirai Naoki5ORCID,Ohigashi Takuji6ORCID,Liu Ming-Chang7,Uesugi Kentaro8ORCID,Nakato Aiko4ORCID,Yogata Kasumi9ORCID,Yuzawa Hayato10ORCID,Karouji Yuzuru11,Nakazawa Satoru12ORCID,Okada Tatsuaki13,Saiki Takanao12,Tanaka Satoshi9,Terui Fuyuto14,Yoshikawa Makoto12,Miyazaki Akiko9ORCID,Nishimura Masahiro9,Yada Toru13,Abe Masanao,Usui Tomohiro9ORCID,Watanabe Sei-ichiro15ORCID,Tsuda Yuichi12


1. The Open University

2. Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

3. Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute(JASRI)

4. National Institute of Polar Research

5. Kanagawa University

6. High Energy Accelerator Research Organization

7. Lowrence Livermore National Laboratory

8. Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute



11. Osaka University

12. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

13. Japan Aerospace Exp;oration Agency

14. Kanagawa Institute of Technology

15. Nagoya University


Abstract Ryugu is the C-type asteroid from which material was brought to Earth by the Hayabusa2 mission. A number of individual grains and fine-grained samples analysed so far for noble gases have indicated that solar wind and planetary (P1=Q) noble gases are present in Ryugu samples with concentrations higher than those observed in CIs, suggesting the former to be more primitive compared to the latter. We analysed three fine-grained samples from Ryugu, one of which contained a Xe concentration an order of magnitude higher (4x10-7 cc STP/g) than previously found in samples from Ryugu. Isotopically, this Xe resembles Q, but with a much stronger (by a factor of four) isotopic fractionation relative to solar wind and an 36Ar/132Xe ratio at least an order of magnitude lower than in P1. This new planetary primordial noble gas component (here termed P7) provides clues to constrain how the solar composition was fractionated to form the planetary components.


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