Optimization of series-series compensated wireless power transfer system using alternative secondary side rectification


Zavrel Martin1,Kindl Vladimir1,Frivaldsky Michal2,Andriukaitis Darius3,Navikas Dangirutis3


1. West Bohemian University

2. University of Zilina

3. Kaunas university of technology


Abstract This paper focuses on the operational analysis of wireless power transfer (WPT) system, while the topology of the secondary side rectifier represents the main element, for which the properties of WPT system are being investigated. Initially the system description and technical specifications are given. Because WPT systems are designed for a certain type and value of the load (impedance matching) in order to achieve the highest possible efficiency, the definitions for those values are identified for individual topologies of the secondary side rectifiers. Consequently, the results are compared and discussed and followed by the simulation analysis to prove the operational behavior in time-domain for each of investigated alternative of rectifier. Several relationships have been identified in relation to secondary side electrical variables, and discussion for stress-optimization are given as well. The simulation results are verified by the experimental measurements, while individual solutions for secondary side rectifiers are evaluated from efficiency point of view followed by the recommendations of the operational conditions.


Research Square Platform LLC

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