Ensuring the Accuracy of FE-based Nonlinear Dynamic Reduced-order Models


Xiao Xiao1ORCID,Hill Thomas L1,Neild Simon A1


1. University of Bristol Department of Mechanical Engineering


Abstract Numerous powerful methods exist for developing Reduced-order Models (ROMs) using Finite Element (FE) models. Ensuring the accuracy of these ROMs is essential; however, the validation using dynamic responses is expensive. In this work, we propose a method to ensure the accuracy of ROMs without extra dynamic FE simulations. It has been shown that the well-established Implicit Condensation and Expansion (ICE) method can produce an accurate ROM when the FE model's static behaviours are captured accurately. However, this is achieved via a fitting procedure, which may be sensitive to the selection of load cases and ROM's order, especially in the multi-mode case. To alleviate this difficulty, we define an error metric that can evaluate the ROM's fitting error efficiently within the displacement range, specified by a given energy level. Based on the fitting result, the proposed method provides a strategy to enrich the static dataset, i.e. additional load cases are found until the ROM's accuracy reaches the required level. Extending this to the higher-order and multi-mode cases, some extra constraints are incorporated into the standard fitting procedure to make the proposed method more robust. A clamped-clamped beam is utilised to validate the proposed method, and the results show that the method can robustly ensure the accuracy of the static fitting of ROMs.


Research Square Platform LLC

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