Psychometric Properties of an Arabic Translation of the Claremont Purpose Scale (CPS) in adolescents


Noureddine Amir1,Malaeb Diana2,Sakr Fouad3,Dabbous Mariam3,Obeid Sahar4,Hallit Souheil1,Fekih-Romdhane Feten5


1. Holy Spirit University of Kaslik

2. Gulf Medical University

3. Lebanese International University

4. Lebanese American University

5. Razi hospital



Background Purpose in life is recognized as a protective factor linked to an individual’s ability to thrive, supporting positive youth development and overall psychological well-being. The main goal of our study is to translate and validate the Claremont Purpose Scale (CPS) into the Arabic language, expanding its usefulness and contributing to a better global understanding of adolescent purpose in Arabic-speaking contexts. Methods Data for this cross-sectional study was collected via a Google Form link during November 2023. Lebanese adolescents aged between 14 and 18 years (N = 793, mean age of 16.08 ± 1.74 years, 62.4% females) were recruited using an online questionnaire and a snowball sampling technique. Results Confirmatory Factor Analysis indicated that fit of the three-factor model of CPS scores was satisfactory: χ2/df = 131.31/51 = 2.58, RMSEA = .045 (90% CI .035, .054), SRMR = .034, CFI = .976, TLI = .969. Internal reliability was excellent (ω = .87; α = .86). Measurement invariance across sex groups was established at the configural, metric, and scalar levels. No significant difference was found between males and females in terms of CPS scores (37.20 ± 7.93 vs 37.76 ± 7.92, t(791) = − .97, p = .334). The CPS total score was significantly associated with lower irritability (r = − .66; p < .001), higher wellbeing (r = .51; p < .001) and depression-happiness (r = .43; p < .001), thus attesting to the good concurrent validity. Conclusion Findings suggest that the Arabic version of the CPS is a reliable and valid tool with which to capture the sense of purpose among Arabic-speaking adolescents. Therefore, it has a great potential for future researchers and practitioners who would ought to work on ways of improving the psychological functioning of youth drawn from culturally diverse backgrounds.


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