Reindeer hindlimb joint kinetics: propulsive and energy storage mechanisms and mechanical work


Li Guoyu1,Zhang Rui2,Han Dianlei3,Li Zhisong1


1. Shanghai Dianji University

2. Ministry of Education, Jilin University

3. Jiangsu University


Abstract As seasonal migratory animals, reindeer inhabit the natural habitats in Arctic regions and have evolved their hindlimb joints to adapt to the complex ground conditions there. Inverse dynamics of the joints is an important tool to study foot functions. Herein, with a motion tracking system and plantar pressure data based on kinematics and inverse dynamics of hindlimbs, we investigated the changes in joint angles, net joint moments, net joint powers, and work of reindeer at different speeds. Reindeer may adopt different movement patterns to efficiently utilize energy and adapt to the demands of different gaits and speeds. The joint ranges of motion (ROM) of the ankle joint (αb), metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint (αc), and interphalangeal joint (αd) of the hindlimbs were about 20.73°-28.87°, 40.37°-47.69°, and 24.47°-26.18°, respectively. The ankle joint produced positive work, providing propulsion. The positive work done at the ankle joint during walking, slow-trotting, and fast-trotting was 8.61×10-2, 9.25×10-2, and 15.44×10-2 J·kg-1, respectively. The MTP and interphalangeal joints both absorbed energy during walking, slow trotting, and fast trotting. The energy absorption at the respective speeds was 12.53×10-2, 13.57×10-2, and 19.90×10-2 J·kg-1 by the MTP joint, and was 9.49×10-2, 7.71×10-2, and 10.26×10-2 J·kg-1 by the interphalangeal joint. The MTP joint and interphalangeal joint of the hindlimbs serve as the primary sites for energy storage and release, functioning as an elastic system. This study contributes to a deeper understanding about the biomechanical properties of hindlimb joints and provides a theoretical basis for designing extremity robots in extreme environments through analyzing the functional characteristics of reindeer foot joints.


Research Square Platform LLC

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