Marine microbes that have for eons been adapted to stable salinity regimes are confronted with sudden decreases in salinity in the Arctic Ocean. The episodic freshening is increasing due to climate change with melting multi-year sea-ice and glaciers, and greater inflows from rivers, and increased precipitation. To investigate algal responses to lowered salinity, we analysed the responses and acclimatation over 24h in a non-model Arctic marine alga (pelagophyte CCMP2097) following transfer to realistic lower salinities. Using RNA-seq transcriptomics, here we show rapid differentially expressed genes related to stress oxidative responses, proteins involved in the photosystem and circadian clock, and those affecting lipids and inorganic ions. After 24h the pelagophyte adjusted to the lower salinity seen in the overexpression of genes associated with freezing resistance, cold adaptation, and salt tolerance. Overall, a suite of ancient widespread pathways is recruited enabling the species to adjust to the stress of rapid salinity change.