Effect of Life-space on Quality of life of Older Adult in Chinese Communities: the Chain Mediating Role of Social Support and Subjective Well-being


zhang LJ1,Chen WJ1,Hong X1,Li GR1,Wu HB1


1. Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Abstract OBJECTIVE To explore the factors influencing the quality of life of older adult by assessing their current life-space, and to examine the mechanisms mediating the effects of social support and Subjective Well-being on the quality of life in older adults’ life-space.METHODS This study surveyed 311 older adults with the Chinese version of the Life Space Assessment, Generic Quality of Life Inventory-74, Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness, and Social Support Scale.RESULTS The results of Pearson correlation analysis showed a two-way correlation between life-space, quality of life, social support, and Subjective Well-being in older adults (r = 1.141, 0.164, 0.294, 0.304,0.447, 0.597, P < 0.001), life-space significantly positively predicted the quality of life of older adults (β = 0.294, t = 5.399, P < 0.001); the analysis of mediating effects showed that social support and Subjective Well-being mediated the chain effect between life-space and quality of life in older adults.CONCLUSION In addition to having a direct impact on older individuals' quality of life, their life-space can also have an indirect impact through social support and Subjective Well-being.


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