Joint Angle Estimation during Shoulder Abduction Exercise Using Contactless Technology


Khanghah Ali Barzegar1,Fernie Geoff1,Fekr Atena Roshan1


1. Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network


Abstract Background Tele-rehabilitation, also known as tele-rehab, uses communication technologies to provide rehabilitation services from a distance. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of tele-rehab, where the in-person visits declined and the demand for remote healthcare rises. Tele-rehab offers enhanced accessibility, convenience, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, care quality, continuity, and communication. However, the current systems are often not able to perform a comprehensive movement analysis. To address this, we propose and validate a novel approach using depth technology and skeleton tracking algorithms. Methods Our data involved 14 participants (8 females, 6 males) performing shoulder abduction exercises. We collected depth videos from a LiDAR camera and motion data from a Motion Capture (Mocap) system as our ground truth. The data was collected at distances of 2 m, 2.5 m, and 3.5 m from the LiDAR sensor for both arms. Our innovative approach integrates LiDAR with the Cubemos and Mediapipe skeleton tracking frameworks, enabling the assessment of 3D joint angles. We validated the system by comparing the estimated joint angles versus Mocap outputs. Personalized calibration was applied using various regression models to enhance the accuracy of the joint angle calculations. Results The Cubemos skeleton tracking system outperformed Mediapipe in joint angle estimation with higher accuracy and fewer errors. The proposed system showed a strong correlation with Mocap results, although some deviations were present due to noise. Precision decreased as distance from the camera increased. Calibration significantly improved performance. Linear regression models consistently outperformed nonlinear models, especially at shorter distances. Conclusion This study showcases the potential of a marker-less system, to proficiently track body joints and upper-limb angles. Signals from the proposed system and the Mocap system exhibited robust correlation, with Mean Absolute Errors (MAEs) consistently below 10°. LiDAR's depth feature enabled accurate computation of in-depth angles beyond the reach of traditional RGB cameras. Altogether, this emphasizes the depth-based system's potential for precise joint tracking and angle calculation in tele-rehab applications.


Research Square Platform LLC

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