Exonuclease-III assisted the target recycling coupling with hybridization chain reaction for sensitive mecA gene analysis by using PGM


Du Yan1,Xiu Ning1ORCID


1. The First Hospital of China Medical University: The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University


Abstract In the field of neonatal infections nursing, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a major bacterial pathogen. Here, we present a portable biosensor for MRSA detection that is both highly sensitive and portable, owing to its implementation on the personal glucose meter (PGM) platform. The H probe was fixed on the magnetic bead for mecA gene analysis. A blunt 3’ terminus appeared in the MBs-H probe when the mecA gene was present. Exonuclease-III (Exo-III) recognized the blunt terminus and cleaved it, freeing the mecA gene and so facilitating target recycling. In the meantime, the remaining H probe-initiated hybridization chain reaction (HCR), which led to the desired signal amplification. Portable quantitative detection of mecA gene is possible because PGM can read the quantity of invertase tagged on HCR product. After optimizing several experimental parameters, such as the concentration of Exo-III and incubation time, the constructed sensor is extremely sensitive, with a detection limit of 2 CFU/mL. The results from this sensitive PGM-based sensor are in agreement with those obtained from plate counting methods, suggesting that it can be used to accurately assess the MRSA content in artificial clinical samples. In addition, the PGM sensor can significantly cut down on time spent compared to plate counting techniques. The manufactured sensor provides a promising option for accurate identification of pathogenic bacteria.


Research Square Platform LLC

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