The Uniform-Finch (Haplospiza unicolor Cabanis, 1851) is typically found in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, but we have recorded it for the first time in the Brazilian savanna, or Cerrado, at a private property in Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Goiás state. This is a new record at both the biome and state levels. We also accessed all the occurrence information of H. unicolor available in databases to explore its overall geographical range. This new sighting indicates this bird was found 679,43km from its original distribution range, thus shedding light either on its potential for dispersal or the prior lack of knowledge on persisting bird populations in the area. The record presented here adds to the understanding of H. unicolor distribution and potential for dispersal, indicating the need for further research to explore its population size, stability, and environmental adaptation in the Cerrado.