Combined effect of inhomogeneous strain-induced and anisotropy on friction in deep drawing of DC06EK sheet metal




1. Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef - Faculty of technology


Abstract The aim of this work is to simultaneously evaluate the effects of inhomogeneous strain-induced and anisotropy on the friction during the deep drawing of DC06EK sheet metal. To do that, stretched and unstretched DC06EK strips in different rolling directions (0°, 45° and 90°) with different levels of equivalent plastic strain were used in microscratch tests under the same conditions as those used in deep drawing process (DDP) coming from a local industry. The findings show that the coefficient of friction (COF) decreases as a function of the equivalent plastic strain for different rolling directions. Two empirical friction laws are obtained depending on the equivalent plastic strain following 0° and 90° to the rolling direction. Since the COF have a clear trend of regression except in the case for 45°. Trend lines of the COF following 0° and 90° converge to very closely values, since the effect of anisotropy disappears with the increase in the level of plastic strain.


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