Single dose of peg GCSF compared with daily GCSF in de novo acute myeloid leukemia patients on high dose cytarabine consolidation chemotherapy (HIDAC)


,Ghosh Reshma1, , , , ,


1. 7. Department of Anatomy, RGKar Medical College and Hospital


Abstract Background: Consolidation therapy with high dose cytarabine (HIDAC) for Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)is associated with significant neutropenia , resultant infections and associated morbidities. In this prospective study on de novo AML patients we attempted to compare efficacy of peg GCSF vs GCSF in ameliorating the duration and severity of neutropenia. Material and methods: Fifty eight cycles of HIDAC(1,3,5) from 20 patients were studied. Twenty four hours after the consolidation chemotherapy, patients were randomized to receive either once daily short-acting GCSF (5 µg/kg) or single dose of long acting peg GCSF(6mg/100 µg per kg). Results: The median duration of neutropenia and episodes of febrile neutropenia were 9.0 and 15 in the GCSF arm and 9.8 days and 17 in the peg GCSF arm, respectively (p >0.05).. Incidence of positive microbiological cultures and mean duration of hospital stay was similar in the two arms. Conclusion: The results of this study failed to show any difference in the incidence and duration of febrile neutropenia, incidence of infections and associated morbidities, with the use of GCSF compared to peg GCSF in patients of AML on HIDAC consolidation therapy.


Research Square Platform LLC

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