1. (1) Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine University of Lucerne. Lucerne, Switzerland
2. (1) Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine University of Lucerne. Lucerne, Switzerland. (2) Center for Rehabilitation in Global Health Systems, WHO Collaborating Center. University of Lucerne. Lucerne, Switzerland. (3) Ageing, functioning epidemiology and implementation. Swiss Paraplegic Research. Nottwil, Switzerland
3. IPW Institut für Angewandte Pflegewissenschaft, OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences. Rapperswil, Switzerland
4. Clinic for Neurology and Neurorehabilitation, Care Development and Quality of Care, Cantonal Hospital Lucerne. Lucerne, Switzerland
5. Health Workforce and Service Delivery Unit, Division of Country Health Policies and Systems, WHO Regional Office for Europe. Copenhagen, Denmark
6. Disability, Rehabilitation, Palliative and long-term Care, Health Workforce and Service Delivery Unit, Division of Country Health Policies and Systems, WHO Regional Office for Europe. Copenhagen, Denmark