Creep is an inherent characteristic of reinforced concrete materials. Over the long-term action of creep, the durability and safety of the structure will undergo significant changes; therefore, creep is an important research content for structural safety analysis. Creep calculation involves numerous parameters, making the calculation tedious and the information storage massive. Among the many factors affecting creep, different parameters have varying degrees of sensitivity to creep. In practical engineering, factors with a significant impact on creep results should be given priority. Currently, there is limited research on creep sensitivity analysis. Most studies have only conducted qualitative sensitivity analysis on some parameters affecting creep, without addressing those parameters with low sensitivity. In response to these situations, this paper takes the example of the creep strain problem at the bottom edge of concrete components during the shrinkage period and conducts a quantitative sensitivity analysis of each parameter in the fine calculation of concrete during the shrinkage period. This paper illustrates the factors that contribute to or hinder the development of creep, categorizes the importance of various factors affecting creep, and divides the creep parameters into important, general, and minor parameters. The calculation formulas have been simplified, reducing the creep calculation and information volume by nearly 80%. Through specific case analysis, the results of the method in this paper are compared with those of the fine algorithm, verifying the accuracy of this paper's approach and providing the error boundaries of the results after simplified calculation. For the problems of concrete strain at different positions and steel stress in creep analysis, this paper summarizes the corresponding important parameters, which can provide references for related engineering projects.