Missing topics for a newly established general practice curriculum for medical students in Hesse – a qualitative study


Kronemann Bibiane1,Joson-Teichert Elisabeth1,Michiels-Corsten Matthias1,Bösner Stefan1,Groth Jana1


1. Philipps-University of Marburg


Abstract Background To address declining numbers of general practitioners (GPs) in rural areas and a lack of medical students pursuing a career in primary care, a general practice-based curriculum coupled with additional university admissions for students has been established at three universities in Hesse, Germany. The aim of this study is to analyze potential topics that need to be taught to students who strive to become GPs to best prepare them for their chosen career and working in rural areas. Our aim was to explore the views of both specialists and GPs on central topics and necessary skills in primary care. Methods In our study we used semi-structured interviews with outpatient specialists and specialists in clinical practice and semi-structured group interviews with GPs in training. The topic guide addressed contents of the curriculum for medical students with an extracurricular focus (addressing additional topics) on primary care. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative content analysis according to Mayring. Results GPs in training and specialists agreed on the importance of knowledge in the fields of medical history, physical examination, communication as well as common diseases in primary care. Essential competences mentioned were: induce medical treatment, decision making and triage, conduct structured conversations, have patient knowledge (hard skills) as well as interest in continuous learning, empathy, personal commitment, listening and down-to-earthness (soft skills). Case reports, symptom-based learning, practical training, lessons with simulated patients and the integration of role models were regarded as useful teaching methods. Conclusions General practice-based curriculums should not only focus on the transfer of knowledge. The training of soft and hard skills is equally important to prepare future GPs for their work in primary care. New teaching methods as well as practical training should be the heart of a newly established curriculum.


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