The study explores the correlation between cultural influence and community engagement in fostering social safety for tourists.




1. Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

2. National University Bangladesh



The tourism industry in China is booming, and the relationship between cultural influence and community engagement (CICE) is crucial for tourists' safety. This study explores the relationship between CICE, cultural norm dynamics, social cooperation, and crisis perceptions of local communities in ensuring tourists' safety. The research uses netnography and social media content analysis to analyze cultural artifacts, utilizing data from diverse regions. The study reveals that traditional Chinese values, social norms, and practices influence safety perceptions among tourists. Cultural nuances influence community attitudes towards tourism safety, which manifest in local residents' engagement. Community engagement is essential for the social construction of safety, as local residents' willingness to participate in safety measures significantly shapes the overall tourism experience. The study provides valuable insights for policymakers, tourism industry stakeholders, and community leaders to enhance tourists' safety in China. It aims to provide practical recommendations for a safer and culturally enriching tourism environment in China's diverse landscapes.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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