A multiplexed microfluidic continuous-flow electroporation system for efficient cell transfection


VanderBurgh Jacob A.1,Corso Grant T.1,Levy Stephen L.1,Craighead Harold G.1


1. CyteQuest, Inc


Abstract Cellular therapies have the potential to advance treatment for a broad array of diseases but rely on viruses for genetic reprogramming. The time and cost required to produce viruses has created a bottleneck that constricts development of and access to cellular therapies. Electroporation is a non-viral approach for genetic reprogramming that bypasses these bottlenecks, but current electroporation technology suffers from low throughput, tedious optimization, and difficulty scaling to large-scale cell manufacturing. Here, we present an adaptable microfluidic electroporation platform with the capability for rapid, multiplexed optimization with 96-well plates. Once parameters are optimized using small volumes of cells, transfection can be seamlessly scaled to high-volume cell manufacturing without re-optimization. We demonstrate optimizing transfection of plasmid DNA to Jurkat cells, screening hundreds of different electrical waveforms of varying shapes at a speed of ~3 s per waveform using ~ 20 µL of cells per waveform. We selected an optimal set of transfection parameters using a low-volume flow cell. These parameters were then used in a separate high-volume flow cell where we obtained similar transfection performance by design. This demonstrates an economical method for scaling to the volume required for producing a cell therapy without sacrificing performance.


Research Square Platform LLC








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