1. University of Liverpool
2. University of Aberdeen Health Services Research Unit
3. Imperial College London School of Public Health
4. Cardiff University Centre for Trials Research
5. MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL: Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London
6. University of Bristol Population Health Sciences
7. University of Leeds Clinical Trials Research Unit
8. University of Oxford Department of Primary Care Health Sciences: University of Oxford Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
9. William Harvey Research Institute: Queen Mary University of London William Harvey Research Institute
10. Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit
11. UCL GOS Institute of Child Health: University College London Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health
12. Swansea University
13. Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Institute of Dentistry: Queen Mary University of London Institute of Dentistry
14. Queen Mary University of London Wolfson Institute of Population Health
15. University of Bristol
16. ICNARC: Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre
17. University of Leeds
18. University of Nottingham
19. MRC CTU at UCL: Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London
20. King's College London
21. UCL Institute for Liver & Digestive Health: University College London Institute for Liver and Digestive Health
22. University of Bristol Medical School
23. Imperial College London
24. University of Leicester
25. Keele University
26. BCTU: University of Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit
27. University of Liverpool School of Health Sciences