Dielectric Fano Nanoantennas for Enabling Sub-Nanosecond Lifetimes in NV-based Single Photon Emitters


Dong Zhaogang1ORCID,AN SHU2,Kalashnikov Dmitry2,Shi Wenqiao3,Mahfoud Zackaria2,Chew Ah Bian2,Liu Yan2,Wu Jing2,Zhu Di4ORCID,Gao Weibo5ORCID,Qiu Cheng-Wei4ORCID,Leong Victor1ORCID



2. Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research)

3. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore

4. National University of Singapore

5. Nanyang Technological University



Solid-state quantum emitters are essential sources of single photons, and enhancing their emission rates is of paramount importance for applications in quantum communications, computing and metrology. One approach is to couple quantum emitters with resonant photonic nanostructures, where the emission rate is enhanced due to the Purcell effect. Dielectric nanoantennas are promising as they provide strong emission enhancement compared to plasmonic ones, which suffer from high Ohmic loss. Here,we designed and fabricated a dielectric Fano resonator based on a pair of silicon (Si) ellipses and a disk, which supports the mode hybridization between quasi-bound-states-in-the-continuum (quasi-BIC) and Mie resonance. We demonstrated the performance of the developed resonant system by interfacing it with single photon emitters (SPEs) based on nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in nanodiamonds (NDs). We observed that the interfaced emitters have a Purcell enhancement factor of ~10, with sub-ns emission lifetime and a polarization contrast of 9. Our results indicate a promising method for developing efficient and compact single-photon sources for integrated quantum photonics applications.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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