Quality of Life and Psychological Distress in Advanced Cancer Patients: Associations with Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors


Mihic-Góngora Luka1,Jiménez-Fonseca Paula2,Gil Raquel Hernández San3,Cruz-Castellanos Patricia4,Fernández-Montes Ana5,Caramés-Sánchez Cristina6,Lee Eun Mi7,Muñoz María Mar8,Galan-Moral Rocío4,Raga Mireia Gil9,Calderon Caterina7


1. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

2. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, ISPA

3. Hospital Universitario de Canarias

4. Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real

5. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Ourense – CHUO

6. Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez-Diaz

7. University of Barcelona

8. Hospital General Virgen de la Luz

9. Hospital General Universitario de Valencia


Abstract Background The study assessed quality of life, psychological distress, and their associations with socio-demographic and clinical factors in patients with advanced cancer before systemic treatment initiation. Methods The NEOetic-SEOM study, a cross-sectional, prospective, observational, and multicenter research, involved patients with advanced cancer confirmed through histology. We collected socio-demographic details, psychological distress (BSI-18), and quality of life (EORTC-QLQ-C30) data through questionnaires. Multivariate analysis was used to construct models, and forest plots were generated to represent the proportions of patients undergoing psychological and functional difficulties. Results The analysis included 507 patients (mean age 64.8 years, 54% male) with prevalent cancers being lung (29%), colorectal (16%), and pancreatic (11%). The majority underwent chemotherapy (79%) and targeted or immunotherapy (38%). 71% reported moderate/severe psychological distress correlating with functional (55%) and symptom problems (87%) (p = 0.001). Depression and anxiety rates were 71% and 63%. Males and good performance status patients showed higher functional scales, while older individuals, adenocarcinoma histology, and poor ECOG had increased symptoms. Lower education correlated with higher anxiety, depression, and psychological distress, mostly in younger patients. No associations were found between clinical variables (cancer stage or site) and quality of life or distress. Conclusion In summary, our investigation elucidates the distinct experiences of advanced cancer patients concerning sex, age, performance status, histological subtype, and education in relation to quality of life and psychological distress. These insights underscore the necessity for personalized therapeutic approaches to cater to the multifaceted requirements of patients with advanced malignancies.


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