Identification and Field Verification of Fe-Bearing Rocks in the Hasançelebi Region (Malatya, Türkiye) and its vicinity using ASTER and Sentinel-2A images


İnal Sedat1,Kavak Kaan Şevki2


1. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) for Central Anatolia Region

2. Sivas Cumhuriyet University



In this study, image processing applied to ASTER and Sentinel-2A images is used to reveal Fe-bearing rocks in the vicinity of Hasançelebi (Malatya), which is close to Divriği, one of the most important iron provenances in the Central-Eastern Anatolia region of Türkiye. Remote sensing images, particularly the visible-near-infrared (VNIR) and partially shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands, have been employed to identify Fe-bearing minerals and rocks. To achieve this, various band ratioing processes were applied. Supervised classification using a parallelepiped algorithm was employed on the resulting ratio images to create classification distributions for Fe-bearing minerals. Features such as lineaments and faults which play a crucial role in the development of ore deposits were mapped using digital elevation models. During fieldwork, rock samples representing the lithologies and Fe-bearing minerals in the region were collected, and mineralogical-petrographic, geochemical, and XRD analyses were conducted. Additionally, spectral measurements were also taken from the same samples for comparison. These measurements allowed for spectral mineral identification, and spectral signatures were recorded for each sample. Known Fe-bearing minerals are predominantly associated with the Ciritbelen-Otmangölü Fault (COF), which is an approximately east-west trending strike-slip fault in the study area, along with other related fault systems. They are generally distributed within an ophiolitic slice and the surrounding magmatic intrusions. In the image processing and field verifications, it was determined that ASTER images provided more reliable results compared to Sentinel-2A images.


Research Square Platform LLC

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