Movement Analytics: Current Status, Application to Manufacturing, and Future Prospects from an AI Perspective


Baumgartner Peter1,Smith Daniel1,Rana Mashud1,Kapoor Reena1,Tartaglia Elena1,Schutt Andreas1,Rahman Ashfaqur1,Taylor John1,Dunstall Simon1


1. Data61


Abstract Data-driven decision making is becoming an integral part of manufacturing companies. Data is collected and commonly used to improve efficiency and produce high quality items for the customers. IoT-based and other forms of object tracking are an emerging tool for collecting movement data of objects/entities (e.g. human workers, moving vehicles, trolleys etc.) over space and time. Movement data can provide valuable insights like process bottlenecks, resource utilization, effective working time etc. that can be used for decision making and improving efficiency. Turning movement data into valuable information for industrial management and decision making requires analysis methods. We refer to this process as movement analytics. The purpose of this document is to review the current state of work for movement analytics both in manufacturing and more broadly. We survey relevant work from both a theoretical perspective and an application perspective. From the theoretical perspective, we put an emphasis on useful methods from two research areas: machine learning, and logic-based knowledge representation. We also review their combinations in view of movement analytics, and we discuss promising areas for futuredevelopment and application. Furthermore, we touch on constraint optimization. From an application perspective, we review applications of these methods to movement analytics in a general sense and across various industries. We also describe currently available commercial off-the-shelf products for tracking in manufacturing, and we overview main concepts of digital twins and their applications.


Research Square Platform LLC

Reference510 articles.

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2. Vald és, Fabio and G üting, Ralf Hartmut (2019) A framework for efficient multi-attribute movement data analysis. The VLDB Journal 28(4): 427--449, PDF:/Users/bau050/Zotero/storage/SJDQY9B5/Vald à ©s-G à ¼ting2019_Article_AFrameworkForEfficientMulti-at.pdf:application/pdf;Vald és and G üting - 2019 - A framework for efficient multi-attribute movement.pdf:/Users/bau050/Zotero/storage/WRU5UM3F/Vald és and G üting - 2019 - A framework for efficient multi-attribute movement.pdf:application/pdf, Fundamental, Pattern matching, Indexing, Multi-attribute data, August, 2022-01-27, en, In the first two decades of this century, the amount of movement and movement-related data has increased massively, predominantly due to the proliferation of positioning features in ubiquitous devices such as cellphones and automobiles. At the same time, there is a vast number of requirements for managing and analyzing these records for economic, administrative, and private purposes. Since the growth of data quantity outpaces the ef ficiency development of hardware components, it is necessary to explore innovative methods of extracting information from large sets of movement data. Hence, the management and analysis of such data, also called trajectories, have become a very active research field. In this context, the time-dependent geographic position is only one of arbitrarily many recorded attributes. For several applications processing trajectory (and related) data, it is helpful or even necessary to trace or generate additional time-dependent information, according to the purpose of the evaluation. For example, in the field of aircraft traf fic analysis, besides the position of the monitored airplane, also its altitude, the remaining amount of fuel, the temperature, the name of the traversed country and many other parameters that change with time are relevant. Other application domains consider the names of streets, places of interest, or transportation modes which can be recorded during the movement of a person or another entity. In this paper, we present in detail a framework for analyzing large datasets having any number of time-dependent attributes of different types with the help of a pattern language based on regular expression structures. The corresponding matching algorithm uses a collection of different indexes and is divided into a filtering and an exact matching phase. Compared to the previous version of the framework, we have extended the flexibility and expressiveness of the language by changing its semantics. Due to storage adjustments concerning the applied index structures and further optimizations, the ef ficiency of the matching procedure has been signi ficantly improved. In addition, the user is no longer required to have a deep knowledge of the temporal distribution of the available attributes of the dataset. The expressiveness and ef ficiency of the novel approach are demonstrated by querying real and synthetic datasets. Our approach has been fully implemented in a DBMS querying environment and is freely available open source software.,, 1066-8888, 0949-877X

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