Micro-needling using irradiated amniotic collagen matrix versus micro-needling alone in the treatment of stretch marks


Hassan Ghada F. R.1,Ghanem Samah S1,Radwan Nashwa Kamal2,Nassar Samia O1


1. Tanta University

2. National Center of Radiation Research and Technology, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority


Abstract Background Striae distensae (SD), often referred to as stretch marks, are common linear lesions seen in individuals of all ages. Many treatment choices are available, not yet satisfactory. Amniotic fluid contains many growth factors which can be helpful in treatment of stretch marks. Aim of the work: was to assess the efficacy and safety of irradiated amniotic collagen matrix with micro-needling in treatment of stretch marks. Patients and methods: This was a prospective, right-left comparative study carried out on 40 patients presenting with striae. Every patient received 6 sessions every two weeks, for the right side we used micro-needling associated with application of irradiated amniotic collagen matrix, for the left side we used micro-needling, the patients were followed up for 3 months. Skin biopsies were taken before and after treatment, stained with Masson trichrome and Orcein stains to confirm clinical response. Results In both sides, there was significant improvement after treatment and there was significant difference with better results in the right side than the left side as regarding degree of improvement, percent of improvement and start of response. Conclusion This method was safe, effective, and good tolerated office techniques with minimal side effects for treatment of stretch marks.


Research Square Platform LLC

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