The applicability of a panel of microsatellites in studies focused on conservation can be decisive in obtaining information on endangered species, such as the Soldadinho-do-Araripe. In the present work, it was tested a set of 12 microsatellite loci in order to evaluate the potential of carrying out the individual identification process and the establishment of family relationships necessary for future conservation monitoring of the species. This set of microsatellites proved capable of carrying out the potential identification of exclusive genotypes, in addition to revealing the family pedigree between individuals, determining possible parents/offspring, full siblings and half-siblings. This research will provide support in obtaining predictions of one or more possible sites (springs that have family groups) that can serve as a source of rare alleles and from that translocation programs are implemented and consequently ecological stations function as in situ germplasm banks, enabling the current and future monitoring of this species whose maintenance and conservation will help as a model in the preservation of biodiversity in Chapada do Araripe, Ceará, Brazil.