Estimation of sodium consumption in hypertensive patients based on urine sodium excretion: A Preliminary study


Usman Suharno1ORCID


1. University of Sam Ratulangi


Abstract Adults and children ingested an average of 8.0–4.7 grams (444.45–261.11 mmol) of sodium daily, with an average urine sodium excretion of 151.78–54.78 mmol/l. As a result, it is strongly advised to limit sodium intake. The objective of this study to investigate and identify sodium intake by estimating urinary sodium excretion in hypertensive patients. A cross-sectional assessment of the 73 samples of 24-hour urine collection procedure using the KME-03 salinity checker and blood pressure (BP). Estimates of average daily salt (sodium) consumption (6.44 grams; 110.104 mmol). Female participants had greater estimated average sodium intake than males (6.49 grams110.99 mmol; 6.35 g-108.57 mmol). The correlation with systolic BP had no significance with direction negative correlation (r=-.330, p =.054) and positive correlation with diastolic BP (r=.343, p =.371). The participants' average urine salt excretion exceeded the reference norm and salt consumption was more than five g/d. Diverse population, repeated measurements, and determining the frequency of meals were needed


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