Indonesia’s Civet Lover clubs are urban and suburban social groups comprised of civet (sp. Viverridae) pet keeping enthusiasts. Civet Lover clubs operate regionally and nationally, with trends in civet pet keeping facilitated in online social media platforms. The breeding of wild civets (known as “home breeding”) for the pet trade, grew in popularity in 2016 in response to consumer demand for civets with unique morphological characteristics. This research aims to analyse the scalability of civet home breeding and to document the morphological changes occurring to civet species through the process of selective breeding. This research is a case study analysis of the most popular home breed enterprise operating on Instagram from 2016 to 2021. Data comprise all Instagram posts shared to the platform during the period of operation, within which the number of civet copulations, births, and sales were recorded along with the featured civet’s species and morphological characteristics. The conservation implications of civet home breeding are discussed.