Crust Macrofracturing as the Evidence of the Last Deglaciation


Aleshin Igor1,Kholodkov Kirill1,Kozlovskaya Elena,Malygin Ivan1


1. Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Abstract Machine learning methods were applied to reconsider the results of several passive seismic experiments in Finland. We created datasets from different stages of the receiver function technique and processed them with one of basic machine learning algorithms. All the results were obtained uniformly with the k-nearest neighbors algorithm. The first result is the Moho depth map of the region. Another result is the delineation of the near-surface low S-wave velocity layer. There are three such areas in the Northern, Southern, and central parts of the region. The low S-wave velocity in the Northern and Southern areas can be linked to the geological structure. However, we attribute the central low S-wave velocity area to a large number of water-saturated cracks in the upper 1-5 km. Analysis of the structure of this area leads us to the conclusion that macrofracturing was caused by the last deglaciation.


Research Square Platform LLC

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