What is the price of wetlands? Educational experience of economic valuation in Chile


Araya-Piñones Angelo1ORCID,Bakit José2,Flores Mario3,Guerrero Matías4,Silva Mariela4,Valencia-Ceballos Leslie5,Varela Fabiola6,Poblete Rodrigo7


1. Programa de Magíster en Gestión Ambiental, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Catolica del Norte, Larrondo 1281, Coquimbo, Chile

2. Departamento de Acuicultura, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte, Larrondo 1281, Coquimbo, Chile.

3. Programa de Magíster en Gestión Ambiental, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católia del Norte, Larrondo 1281, Coquimbo, Chile.

4. Programa de Magíster en Gestión Ambiental, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte, Larrondo 1281, Coquimbo, Chile.

5. Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados, S.C., Unidad Durango, Calle CIMAV 110, Ejido Arroyo Seco, Durango, México, 34147.

6. Programa de Magister en Gestión Ambiental, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte, Larrondo 1281, Coquimbo, Chile.

7. Universidad Católica del Norte, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Escuela de Prevención de Riesgos y Medio Ambiente


Abstract Coastal wetlands are important habitats for human well-being due to their ecosystem services, which require tools to ensure their conservation. Environmental management proposes to estimate the economic value of environmental resources that make decisions in both the ecological and economic spheres. A learning experience was carried out in the context of postgraduate students, addressing the contents of the Economic Aspects of Sustainable Development subject, to then give way to the implementation of two economic valuation methods. The valuation of El Culebrón Wetland was carried out using Contingent Valuation (CV) and Defensive Expenditure (DE) estimation methods in an academic framework. The 20-year valuation results were US$5,750,000 (CV) and US$3,050,009 (DC). The experience allowed us to estimate the economic value of wetlands and reflect on the opportunities and complexities that the application of these methodologies implies, linked to decision-making with an emphasis on the conservation of these vulnerable and productive ecosystems, leaving ethical questions about economic valuation.


Research Square Platform LLC

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