Engineering of extracellular vesicles for efficient intracellular delivery of multimodal therapeutics including genome editors


Liang Xiuming1,Gupta Dhanu1,Xie Junhua2,Wonterghem Elien2,Hoecke Lien2,Hean Justin3,Niu Zheyu4,Wiklander Oscar1,Zheng Wenyi1,Wiklander Rim1,He Rui1,Mammad Doste1,Bost Jeremy5,Zhou Guannan1,Zhou Houze1,Roudi Samantha1,Zickler Antje1,Gorgens Andre1ORCID,Hagey Daniel1,de Jong Olivier G6,Uy Aileen7,Zong Yuanyuan4,Mager Imre8,Perez Carla9,Roberts Thomas9,Vader Pieter10ORCID,Fougerolles Antonin3,Wood Matthew9,Vandenbroucke Roosmarijn2,Nordin Joel1,El-Andaloussi Samir1ORCID


1. Karolinska Institutet

2. Ghent University

3. Evox Therapeutics Limited

4. Shandong First Medical University

5. Scibase Company

6. Utrecht University

7. Uppsala University

8. University of Tartu

9. University of Oxford

10. University Medical Center Utrecht


Abstract Intracellular delivery of protein and RNA therapeutics represents a major challenge. Here, we developed highly potent engineered extracellular vesicles (EVs) by incorporating essential bio-inspired attributes required for effective delivery. These comprise engineered mini-intein proteins with self-cleavage activity for active cargo loading and release, and fusogenic VSV-G protein to activate productive endosomal escape. Combining these components allowed high efficiency recombination and genome editing in vitrofollowing EV-mediated delivery of Cre recombinase and Cas9/sgRNA RNP cargoes, respectively. In vivo, single dose EV-mediated Cre delivery to the brains of Cre-LoxP R26-LSL-tdTomato reporter mice resulted in greater than 40% and 30% recombined cells in hippocampus and cortex respectively. In addition, we demonstrate therapeutic potential of this platform by showing inhibition of LPS-induced systemic inflammation via delivery of a super-repressor of NF-ĸB activity. Our data establish these engineered EVs as a novel platform for effective delivery of multimodal therapeutic cargoes, including for efficient genome editing.


Research Square Platform LLC







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