Food addiction (FA) is not in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). However, evidence shows that it increases the severity of eating disorder symptoms, especially when comorbid with binge eating disorder (BED). This study aims to examine the effect of FA on the severity of eating behaviors and psychological correlates in relation with an ED diagnosis. Participants (n = 223) were recruited at the Centre [blind for review] and completed a semi-structured eating disorder diagnosis interview and questionnaires measuring eating behaviors, personality traits, emotional regulation, and childhood interpersonal trauma. They were categorized by the presence of an eating disorder (BED, eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) or none) and the presence of FA. Group comparisons showed that, in patients with BED, those with FA demonstrated higher disinhibition and more maladaptive emotional regulation strategies than participants without FA. In patients without an eating disorder diagnosis, those with FA demonstrated higher disinhibition, more maladaptive emotional regulation strategies, more interpersonal trauma, and less self-directedness. The assessment of FA combined with the diagnostic assessment of eating disorder provides a better understanding of the severity of the pathology. First, in presence of BED, FA allows to target a subgroup of patients showing higher severity. Second, FA allows to target patients without an eating disorder diagnosis that would still benefit from professional help.
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