Knowing the significant impact of high-rise building form on solar heat gain, this paper proposes a generative design framework for finding the form achieving less solar heat gain in hot arid zone without detracting the functionality and aesthetic aspect. Among numerous design possibilities based on specific criteria, Generative design utilizing algorithms and optimization techniques can explore numerous design possibilities based on specific criteria. In this application, the goal is to identify building forms that reduce solar exposure while balancing functional and aesthetic needs. To achieve the work objective, Multi objective optimization (MOO) techniques like the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) were used. The design parameters such as, orientation, plan shape, …etc will be inputs into generative design algorithms that will iteratively create and evaluate various design options to obtain the best possible design outcomes. The performance of each option will be verified using Solar exposure analysis, including sun path, shading, and energy simulation whilst the proposed design optimization focuses on two parameters, ie window-to-wall ratio (WWR), and energy use intensity (EUI). This paper illustrates how design of high-rise buildings can prioritize human well-being and environmental responsibility in addition to being landmarks.