Privacy Preserving Heart Rate Estimation from ECG and PPG Signals for Application in Remote Healthcare


Islam Tasnim Nishat1,Imtiaz Hafiz1


1. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology


Abstract In this work, we develop a computationally-light and robust neural network model for estimating heart rate for applications in remote healthcare systems. More specifically, we develop a model that can be trained on consumer-grade graphics processing units (GPUs) and can be deployed on edge devices for swift inference. To this end, we propose a hybrid model based on convolutional neural network (CNN) and bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) architectures for estimating heart rate from ECG and PPG signals. Considering the sensitive nature of the ECG signals, we ensure a formal privacy guarantee – differential privacy, for the model training. We perform a tight accounting of the overall privacy budget of our training algorithm using the Rényi Differential Privacy technique. We demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art networks on a benchmark dataset for both ECG and PPG signals, despite having much smaller number of trainable parameters, and consequently much smaller training and inference times. Additionally, our CNN-BiLSTM architecture can provide excellent heart rate estimation performance even under strict privacy constraints. Last but not the least, we develop a prototype Arduino-based data collection system that is low-cost and efficient, and therefore, useful for providing access to modern healthcare services to the people living in remote areas.


Research Square Platform LLC

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