The experimental study was performed to develop chapatti from maize based composite flour in relation with wheat flour. The grains were selected such as maize, flaxseed, chickpea, barley, ragi and wheat due to their nutritional point of view and promising health benefits. However, grains were undergone for different processing methods viz. soaking, boiling, roasting and drying (oven) to reduce their anti-nutritional factors (phytates, oxalates, tannins etc.) and enhance absorption. After processing the grains were grounded and composite flour was prepared at different level of supplementation. The treatment T0C0 contains 100% wheat flour whereas, T1C1 (50:10:20:20), T2C2 (50:10:20:10:10), T3C3 (50:10:20:20), T4C4 (50:10:20:10:10), T5C5 (50:10:10:10:10:10). The formulated chapatti was analyzed in terms of their nutritional composition, quality parameters and organoleptic features with chapatti prepared from wheat flour. It was concluded that treatment T3C3 found to be best because it is rich in energy, omega-3 fat, fibre and calcium as compared to control (wheat flour chapatti). However, mean score value of T3C3 was higher in terms of dimension and WAC. Therefore the organoleptic features revealed that chapatti prepared from T2C2 treatment were overall acceptable.