Upper endoscopy in elderly patients: a multicentre study.


Zullo Angelo1,De Francesco Vincenzo2ORCID,Amato Arnaldo3,Bergna Irene3,Bendia Emanuele4,Giorgini Giorgia4,Buscarini Elisabetta5,Manfredi Guido6,Cadoni Sergio7,Cannizzaro Renato8,Realdon Stefano8,Ciuffi Mario9,Ignomirelli Orazio9,Carrara Paola Da Massa10,Finucci Giovanni10,Somma Antonietta Di11,Frandina Chiara12,Loria Mariafrancesca13,Galeazzi Francesca14,Ferrara Francesco14,Gemme Carlo15,Bertetti Noemi Sara15,Gentili Federica16,Lotito Antonio16,Germanà Bastianello17,Russo Nunzia17,Grande Giuseppe18,Conigliaro Rita18,Cravero Federico19,Venezia Giovanna19,Marmo Riccardo20,Senneca Piera20,Milano Angelo21,Efthymakis Konstantinos21,Monica Fabio22,Montalto Paolo23,Lombardi Mario23,Morelli Olivia24,Castellani Danilo24,Nigro Daniela25,Festa Roberto25,Peralta Sergio26,Grasso Maria26,Privitera Antonello27,Stefano Maria Emanuela Di27,Scaccianoce Giuseppe28,Loiacono Mariangela28,Segato Sergio29,Balzarini Marco29,Satta Paolo Usai30,Lai Mariantonia30,Fortunato Francesca31,Manta Raffaele32


1. Gastronterology and Endoscopy Unit, "Nuovo Regina Margherita Hospital", Rome, Italy

2. Ospedali Riuniti di Foggia: Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Foggia

3. Gastroenterology Unit, "A. Manzoni Hospital", Lecco, Italy

4. Gastroenterology Unit, "Riuniti Hospitals", Ancona, Italy

5. Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, "Maggiore Hospital", Crema (CR), Italy

6. Gastroenteroly and Endoscopy Unit, "Maggiore Hospital", Crema (CR), Italy

7. Gastroenterology Unit, "CTO" Hospital, Iglesias, Italy

8. Experimantal Oncological Gastroentterology Unit, "CRO" Hospital, Aviano (PN) Italy

9. Endoscopy Unit, "IRCCS CROB" Hospital, Rionero in Vulture (PZ), Italy

10. Gastroenterology Unit, ASL Toscana Nord-Ovest, "San Luca" Hospital, Lucca, Italy

11. Gastroenterology Unit, "San Giovanni di Dio" Hospital, Gorizia, Italy

12. Gastroenterology Unit, "San Giovanni di Dio" Hospital, Crotone, Italy

13. Gastroenterology Unit, "San Giovanni di Dio Hopital", Crotone, Italy

14. Gastroenterology Unit, "University Hospital", Padua, Italy

15. Gastroenterology Unit, "SS. Antonio, Biagio e Cesare Arrrigo' Hospital, Alessandria, Italy

16. Gastroenterology Unit, "Santa Maria" Hospital, Terni, Italy

17. Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, "San martino" Hospital, Belluno, Italy

18. Gastroenterology Unit, "Civile Baggiovara" Hospital, Modena, Italy

19. Gastroenterology Unit, "Santa Croce e Carle" Hospital, Cuneo, Italy

20. Gastroenterology Unit, "L. Curto" Hospital, Polla, Salerno, Italy

21. Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, "SS Annunziata" Hospital, Chieti, Italy

22. Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, "Cattinara" HHospital, Trieste, Italy

23. Gastroenterology Unit, "ASL Toscana Centro, Pistoia, Italy

24. Gastroenterology Unit, "Santa Maria della Misericordia" Hospital, Perugia, Italy

25. Gastroenterology Unit, "San Carlo" Hospital, Melfi (PZ), Italy

26. Gastroenterology Unit, "AOU Policlinico" Hospital, Palermo, Italy

27. Gastroenterology Unit, "Cannizzaro" Hospital, Catania, Italy

28. Gastroenterology Unit, "Giovanni Paolo II" IRCCS, Bari, Italy

29. Gastroenterology Unit, "ASST dei Sette Laghi" Hospital, Varese, Italy

30. Gastroenterology Unit, "Brotzu" ARNAS, Cagliari, Italy

31. Hygiene Unit, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy

32. Gastroenterology Unit, ASL Toscana Nord-Ovest,"San Luca" Hospital, Lucca, Italy


Abstract Background: Both macroscopic and histological lesions are frequently detected at upper endoscopy in elderly patients. We assessed the prevalence of the main endoscopic and histological alteration in aged patients who underwent upper endoscopy. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, clinical, endoscopic, and histological features of consecutive elderly patients referred for upper endoscopy in clinical practice were retrieved. Data were analysed at both univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: A total of 1,336 (M/F: 595/741; Mean age: 74.1; range: 65-102) underwent upper endoscopy during one month in the 28 participating centres. At endoscopy, at least one macroscopic lesion was present in overall 420 (31.4%) patients. Erosive gastritis (13.3%) and erosive oesophagitis (9.8%) were the most prevalent lesions, whilst Barrett’s oesophagus, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and erosive duodenitis were observed in 1.8%, 2%, 1.4%, and 3.1% patients, respectively. Nine (0.6%) cases of oesophageal, 25 (1.8%) gastric, and 2 (0.1%) duodenal neoplasia were detected. At histology, H. pylori infection was diagnosed in 99 (15.9%) patients, and extensive (antral plus corporal) precancerous lesions on gastric mucosa were detected in 80 patients (14.5%). Endoscopic lesions were more frequent in males, in patients who underwent first endoscopy, and in those with alarm symptoms, whilst were reduced in patients receiving PPI therapy. At multivariate analysis, no independent predictor was found. Conclusions: Our data found that frequency of erosive and neoplastic lesions remained high in elderly patients, whilst the prevalence of both H. pylori infection and peptic ulcer was decreased.


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