Structural and intermediary socioeconomic determinants of health associated with hospitalizations and doctor visits in older adults in Europe.


Amo-Saus Elisa1,Martínez-Lacoba Roberto1,Pardo-García Isabel1,Moya-Martínez Pablo1


1. University of Castilla-La Mancha, Cardenal Gil de Albornoz Building


Abstract The aging population in Europe has increased the demand for healthcare, with doctor visits and hospitalizations being key indicators of this trend. This demand is influenced by various individual and lifestyle factors, as well as structural and systemic macrovariables that cannot be modified through behavioral changes. This study aimed to investigate inequalities in access to healthcare across European countries, finding that macrovariables explained between 3.3% and 4.9% of the differences in the likelihood of hospitalizations and approximately 10% of the likelihood of visiting a doctor at least once a year. Life expectancy and number of beds were the macrovariables most associated with a reduced probability of hospitalization and doctor visits, respectively. The study also found that comorbidity and employment status were risk factors associated with hospitalization and doctor visits, while physical activity was a protective factor. These findings are useful in developing healthcare policies at the European level.


Research Square Platform LLC

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