1. 1. Department of Biology, Jigjiga University, Jigjiga, Ethiopia
2. 2. Department of Zoological Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
3. 3. Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA
4. 4. Abt Associates, PMI VectorLink Ethiopia Project, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Arboviral diseases, such as dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, and Zika, are caused by viruses that are transmitted to humans through mosquito bites. However, the status of arbovirus vectors in eastern Ethiopia is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate distribution, breeding habitat, bionomics and phylogenetic relationship of Aedes aegypti mosquito species in Somali Regional State, Eastern Ethiopia.
Entomological surveys were conducted in four sites including Jigjiga, Degehabur, Kebridehar and Godey in 2018 (October to December) to study the distribution of Ae. aegypti and a follow up collection was made in 2020 (July-December). In addition, seasonality and bionomics of Ae. aegypti was conducted in 2021 (January-April) in Kebridehar town. Adult mosquitoes were collected from indoor and outdoor locations using CDC light traps (LTs), pyrethrum spray collection (PSCs), and aspirators. Larvae and pupae were also collected from a total of 169 water-holding containers using a dipper between October and November 2020 (rainy season) in Kebridehar town. The species identification of wild caught and reared adults was conducted using a taxonomic key. In addition, species identification using mitochondrial and nuclear genes maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic analysis was performed.
In the 2018 collection, Ae. aegypti was found in all study sites (Jigjiga, Degahabour, Kebridehar and Godey). In the 2020–2021 collection, a total of 470 (Female = 341, Male = 129) wild caught adult Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were collected, mostly during the rainy season with the highest frequency in November (n = 177) while the lowest abundance was in the dry season (n = 14) for both February and March. The majority of Ae. aegypt were caught using PSC (n = 365) followed by CDC LT (n = 102) and least were collected by aspirator from an animal shelter (n = 3). Aedes aegypti larval density was highest in tires (0.97 larvae per dip) followed by cemented cisterns (0.73 larvae per dip) and the Relative Breeding Index (RBI) was 0.87 and Container Index (CI) was 0.56. Genetic analysis of ITS2 and COI revealed one and 18 haplotypes, respectively and phylogenetic analysis confirmed species identification. The 2022 collection revealed no Ae. aegpti, but two previously uncharacterized species to that region. Phylogenetic analysis of these two species revealed their identities as Ae. hirsutus and Culiseta longiareolata.
Data from our study indicate that, Ae. aegypti is present both during the wet and dry seasons due to the availability of breeding habitats, including water containers like cemented cisterns, tires, barrels, and plastic containers. This study emphasizes the necessity of establishing a national entomological surveillance program for Aedes in Somali region.
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