Straw Mulching and Plant Spacing Enhance Yield and Some Quality Traits of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Varieties


Ezaddin Neven Azad1,Salih Rabar Fatah1


1. Salahaddin University - Erbil College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences


Abstract Background Intensive research globally requested on climate change and increase the risk of drought. Organic mulch applications may be right way of agricultural management strategy for right now. This experiment conducted by using wheat straw mulch (M0 as control and M1 = 4.2 t. ha-1), two plant spacing of (S1 = 25cm and S2 = 35cm) with three varieties Lachata, Coker 310 and Stoneville 213, that symbolled by (V1, V2 and V3), which were for determining its impact on yield, yield components and some quality parameters in two locations of Erbil Governorate. Results Thereby, the results showed that maximum number of bolls. plant-1, lint index and ginning out turn were by Lachata variety. As well as, maximum number of seeds. boll-1 and earliness index were (27.06 and 82.36%) by Coker 310. Mulching increased number of bolls. plant-1, boll weight, number of seeds. boll-1, and seed cotton yield as compared to no mulch treatment at both locations. There more, the interaction of factors in which V1S1M1 and V2S2M0 recorded the highest and lowest number of bolls. plant-1 which were (37.3 and 17.1), and seed cotton yield were (5900.0 and 2222.2 kg. ha-1), respectively at Grdarasha location. However, in fiber quality parameters such as longer staple length and single fiber length noted in mulched plots as compared to no mulch. Conclusion Therefore, the use of wheat straw mulch has an impact on cotton yield and quality.


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