Quarantine and antibiotic susceptibility of Enterobacteriaceae strains and other gram negative bacteria in dairy sweetmeat milk (doodh) peda


Amreen Fouzia1,Puttananjaiah Mohan kumari Honganoor1,Viswanath Prema1


1. cftri


Abstract The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence and isolation of Enterobacteriaceae strains and other gram negative bacteria of milk (doodh) peda-a traditional milk product of India. Bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae are the indicator organisms used to provide evidence of poor hygiene, inadequate processing or post-process contamination of foods. A total of 25 peda samples were collected from different places of Mysuru district to evaluate the prevalence of Enterobacteriaceae. Seventeen Gram negative fermentative bacteria of clinical significance were detected, isolated and subsequently identified using API 20E strips method and other associated biochemical tests. Our outcomes indicate that milk peda were contaminated with the Enterobacteriaceae like Enterobacter cloacae, Yersinia bercovieri, Yersinia rohdei, Raoutlella terigena, Acinetobacter lwoffii, Pantoea agglomerans PA2, Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp pneumoniae, Leclericia adecarboxylata, Photorhabdus nematophilus, Enterobacter gergoviae, Acinetobacter baumannii/calcoacetius, Cronobacter sakazaki (Enterobacter sakazaki). Further, the antimicrobial resistant of these Enterobacteriaceae group were also investigated against 20 antibiotics by the disc diffusion assay method. All isolates revealed susceptibility to the fluoroquinones and aminoglycosides, but resistance to the nitrofurantoin (70.59%), augmentin (52.94%), and cefpodoxime (47.06%) antibiotics. Our finding was the first report of prevalence and detection of E. gergoviae in a food sample (milk peda) and examined for antibiotic resistances.


Research Square Platform LLC

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