A high figure of merit of phonon-polariton waveguide modes with hBN/SiO 2 /graphene/hBN ribs waveguide in THz range




1. Chinese Ministry of Education, Harbin Normal University

2. Ministry of Education, Harbin University of Science and Technology

3. University of Science and Technology


Abstract The utilization of THz waveguides has enabled a variety of applications in integrated optics and communications. To effectively control THz signals on photonic chips, it is essential to design a waveguide that offers both a high figure of merit (FOM) and low loss. In this paper, we propose a THz waveguide composed of a dielectric rib and a graphene layer sandwiched between two hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) ribs on a gold layer. Numerical simulations demonstrate the existence of two type guided modes of the proposed waveguide in the second reststrahlen band (1360.0cm− 1 < ω < 1609.8cm− 1) of hBN. These modes are formed by coupling the hyperbolic phonon polariton (HPhP) of two hBN rib in the middle dielectric rib and are then modulated by a graphene layer. Interestingly, we found that four waveguide transmission parameters, including an effective length, a figure of merit, a device length and a propagation loss of the guided modes, vary with operation frequency and gate voltage. By altering geometry parameters and dielectric permittivity, the modal properties were analyzed. Simulation results demonstrate that a high FOM of 4.0×107 is achieved by optimizing waveguide size parameters. The proposed waveguide offers a promising approach for designing a tunable THz waveguide on photonic chips, which can be extended to other hyperbolic materials and 2D materials such as MnO3, silicone and germanene.


Research Square Platform LLC

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