Background: Hip fractures remain a significant healthcare problem worldwide, with an annual incidence of 1.7 million. Published literature regarding mortality and associated Charlson Co-morbidity score using Austin-Moore, Thompson, and Modular hip hemiarthroplasty in the Philippines is limited.
Methods: This 5-year retrospective cohort study involved 92 elderly patients who underwent hip hemiarthroplasty using Austin-Moore, Thompson, or Modular hip prosthesis in the treatment of acute femoral neck fractures. A comprehensive chart review on admission and patient clinic follow-ups at 1-month, 6-months and 12-months after surgery was done. The objectives of the study included the demographic and clinical profiles, operative times, length of hospital stay, Charlson Comorbidity Score and mortality rate.
Results: The average age of patients with femoral neck fractures was 73 years old. Majority were females at 81.4%; Most injuries were secondary to fall at 91.3%, whereas 8.7% were due to vehicular accidents. Patients treated with Austin-Moore, Thompson, and Modular Hip prosthesis were 31.5%, 53.2%, and 15.2% respectively. The patients had an average length of hospitalization of 11 days, and an average CC score was 4.28. There was a significant difference in estimated blood loss across the different types of prosthesis, wherein, Austin-Moore prostheses were higher with a mean difference of 125 ml and p<.05. No significant differences were found regarding operative times, length of hospital stay, Charlson Comorbidity Score and mortality rates.
Conclusion. The mortality rates and associated Charlson Co-morbidity scores in patients with femoral neck fractures were comparable with published literatures. Using Austin-Moore, Thompson, and Modular hip prostheses in hip hemiarthroplasty is an effective treatment modality indicated for elderly patients with femoral neck fractures and high CCS.
Therapeutic Level: III