New and interesting records of rare caddisflies (Trichoptera, Insecta) from Slovakia with comments on their ecology and conservation status


Navara Tomáš1,Endel Branislav2,Kokavec Igor1,Lukáš Jozef2,Majzlan Oto1,Samay Ján1ORCID,Thomková Katarína3,Vidlička Ľubomír1,Chvojka Pavel4


1. Institute of Zoology Slovak Academy of Sciences: Ustav zoologie Slovenskej akademie vied

2. Independent

3. Technicka Univerzita vo Zvolene Fakulta ekologie a environmentalistiky

4. National Museum: Narodni muzeum



The distribution and diversity of insects are crucial conservation issues. The order Trichoptera comprises numerous endangered species, but the rarity of some makes it challenging to determine their conservation priority. Research in Slovakia in recent decades has focused mainly on limnological studies, resulting in more frequent data on caddisfly larvae. Our research focused mainly on adult caddisflies, resulting in more reliable and accurate identification of many species that cannot be identified in the larval stage. We combined several entomological methods, including sweeping, Malaise traps, and UV light attraction, to increase the likelihood of catching rare species. The text lists and discusses the discoveries of caddisfly species that are particularly important for faunistics or biodiversity in Slovakia, as well as in the Central European context. Enoicyla reichenbachii (Kolenati, 1848), Limnephilus incisus Curtis, 1834, Ptilocolepus granulatus (Pictet, 1834) and Oecetis testacea (Curtis, 1834) were recorded for the first time in Slovakia. The rare species Hagenella clathrata (Kolenati, 1848) and Adicella balcanica Botosaneanu and Novák, 1965, previously found in Slovakia, were also recorded. Additionally, a new locality of Adicella syriaca Ulmer, 1907 indicates a further northward shift of this Mediterranean species. We further discussed the faunistically important records of Beraeamyia hrabei Mayer, 1937, Allotrichia pallicornis (Eaton, 1873), Ceraclea riparia (Albarda, 1874), Grammotaulius nitidus (Müller, 1764) and Limnephilus fuscicornis Rambur, 1842 from Slovakia. The conservation status of each species is proposed and discussed based on our faunistic records, in accordance with the forthcoming update of the Slovak Red Book.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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