Possibilities to Estimate the Sex of the Fetus in Very Early Pregnancy


Borowski Jacek1,Bulsa Marek2,Szczepańska-Przekota Anna3,Borowska Julia4


1. Hospital Połczyn Zdrój

2. University of Szczecin

3. Koszalin University of Technology

4. University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


Abstract Background:Ultrasound examination of pregnant women to assess the anatomy and normal developmental parameters of the fetus has been the standard in obstetrics since the 1980s. There are medical situations in which the doctor overseeing the course of the pregnancy should know the sex of the fetus as early as possible. This is particularly true in the case of suspected cases of serious genetic and sex-linked diseases. Advances in medical diagnostics make it possible to diagnose the sex of the fetus as early in pregnancy as possible. However, some of the diagnostic methods used during this period are associated with risks of complications or high costs, which disqualify them as screening methods. This study is part of the current of research on the importance of physical fetal parameters in estimating fetal sex. Methods: descriptive statistics, regression equations with t-tests and logistic regression model statistics were used. Fetal parameters were analyzed between 5 and 12 weeks of gestation. The sample consisted of 255 pregnant women. Results: On the basis of CRL, FHR, FV and GSV parameters in 255 pregnant women between 5 and 12 weeks of gestation, attempts were made to build models for estimating the sex of the baby. The combination of gestational week (LMP) and fetal parietal length (CRL) gave the most promising, statistically significant results. Conclusions: Early diagnosis of fetal sex is important especially in the context of X-chromosome-related genetic diseases. Such a diagnosis can be made with a sufficiently high probability on the basis of an ultrasound examination and the use of appropriate statistical models.


Research Square Platform LLC

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